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Procedural Generation
- Authors
- Name
- Johnny Mcoy / Curtis Bucciol
- @curtisbucci
Generating Endless Ship layouts
After following a great YouTube tutorial series, I developed a procedural generation system capable of creating an endless variety of ship layouts.
The system spawns a specified number of rooms in a random pattern, connects them with doors, and fills any gaps with walls
I wanted to avoid making all the ships feel the same, while also ensuring they weren’t entirely random.
Certain 'special' rooms, like the airlock, will only spawn once per ship to prevent awkward or unbalanced layouts.
The generator creates ships with a consistent style, which adjusts based on difficulty.
Elements like AI difficulty and loot spawning can be easily adjusted, helping playtesters avoid boredom from repeated levels.
The next demo version will feature procedural ships as playable levels.